Gates open at 8.35am and pick up is 3.15pm.

School Nursing Service

What to expect from your School Nurse Service (Ages 5-19)
School nurses provide support to ensure that children, young people and families can access appropriate information and advice. Prior to this your child may have received support from the Health Visiting Service. If your child attends a primary school (including academies and free schools) you can expect to have contact with the screening team when your child is in Reception. A hearing and vision screen is offered to your child plus a growth measurement as part of the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP). Your child will also be offered a further growth measurement in Year Six, again as part of the NCMP. You will be contacted with the results of vision and hearing screening tests and will receive a letter about the NCMP measurements. You will have the chance to opt out of the screening of your child if you’d like to.
We ensure all children aged from 0-19 years are offered early intervention, prevention and health promotion services, which are designed to help them enjoy the best possible health and wellbeing. Families need support for specific issues at specific times and school nurses work to provide support or guidance about children’s health and development. The service provided to each family will vary according to a personalised assessment of their own needs and evidence of what will work for them.
We can also refer your child to a range of other services depending on their health needs. We can offer support on growth, weight, eating and healthy lifestyles, sleep, dental and oral care, immunisations, developmental concerns, continence issues, emotional and mental wellbeing, and children and young people who identify as LGBT+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, plus), as well as on young carers. We can also offer support and advice around sexual health and contraception, and drugs and alcohol.
Young people aged 11-19 can also use our Chat Health texting service to contact the school nurse, and this can also be used by parents/carers of primary-aged children. 
The Health Visitor and School Nurse teams also work with other agencies, such as schools and GPs, to develop and deliver care to the most vulnerable children and families. This includes working alongside Children's Social Care to safeguard children and young people.
West Sussex School Nurse contact details
West Sussex Parentline (For children aged 0-5 years): Text 07312 277163. You can use this anonymous text service at any time and we will return your message within 24 hours, Monday to Friday, 9am-4.30pm, except for bank holidays and weekends.
This service is for advice and support only, please do not message to arrange or amend appointments.
West Sussex Telephone: 01273 242004 (Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, excluding bank holidays). This is for advice, support and appointments.
West Sussex email: