Maths Vision at London Meed Primary School
Maths is a fundamental life skill. Therefore, at London Meed, we aim to enable our children to understand its relevance and importance, while enthusing and motivating them to develop an enjoyment of the subject. From Early Years right through to Year 6, our children are taught to become fluent mathematicians, who show secure reasoning and problem solving skills. These three core principles are reflected in all our maths lessons at London Meed.
Our intent for the maths curriculum is:
To engage all children in a Maths Mastery approach to teaching and learning, to enable them to acquire a deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of maths
To become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics
To reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and using the correct mathematical language
To develop children’s number sense and oracy skills
To solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems, with increasing sophistication
To develop children’s observational skills and ability to make connections with their prior learning
To offer children a safe mathematical environment where mistakes are treated as natural and are worth exploring
To use and apply their knowledge and skills to a variety of contexts
To develop children’s conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately
To persevere in seeking solutions
To encourage a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about mathematics
To develop links between maths and other curriculum areas such as science, music, computing, art, DT and P.E.
To make sure that all children leave primary school as confident mathematicians, who possess agility with time, money, risk decisions, logical thinking, problem solving, estimation and calculation
Our implementation of the maths curriculum:
At London Meed we are in the process of adopting a Maths Mastery approach where CONCRETE – PICTORIAL – ABSTRACT representations are part of our daily maths lessons
We focus on discussion between pupils, and pupils and adults, to develop children’s mathematical vocabulary, reasoning and problem solving skills
Maths is taught daily, supported by regular homework that builds on learning in class
Prior learning is constantly revisited and reinforced through short sessions: Fluency Flash, Rekenrek and Fast Maths
The impact of our maths curriculum:
- We believe that every child has the potential to become a confident and successful mathematician
During their time at London Meed, the children will develop their fluency and learn how to reason and problem solve logically and efficiently. Using these skills will help them solve real life problems and prepare for the challenges of secondary school and beyond.
Please find attached below a link to help your child develop their knowledge of multiplication facts.